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Popular actress Song Hye Kyo, who has been receiving a lot of attention for her recent drama "The Glory," has collaborated with the women's clothing brand MICHAA to release a photo shoot for their 23 SPRING campaign, which has been the talk of the town.

The Song Hye Kyo x MICHAA 23 SPRING campaign photoshoot showcases MICHAA's elegant and sophisticated spring daily items that will brighten up your everyday life under the theme "Shine Your Daily."

In the photos, Song Hye Kyo effortlessly pulls off trendy spring styles, including MICHAA's signature high-quality set-up, long dresses, cropped jackets, flared skirts, and denim pants, showcasing her unbeatable queen-like aura.


She looks stunning in a modern jacket set-up, displaying her radiance and unique presence. Additionally, she also showcases her unmatched style by wearing various spring dresses in different colors, perfect for special occasions.

Furthermore, Song Hye Kyo looks sophisticated in other MICHAA items such as cropped jackets, flared skirts, and denim pants, exhibiting the luxurious aura of "human MICHAA." The tweed jacket, made from the fabric of the renowned company Linton, provides a unique quality and attention to detail that leaves everyone impressed.

The items featured in the Song Hye Kyo x MICHAA 23 SPRING campaign are available at MICHAA's stores nationwide and their official website. Furthermore, the MICHAA Premium Week will offer discounts and double mileage promotions both online and offline from March 17 to 19.

Additionally, detailed information can be found on the "SISEN DOTCOM" app, which was recently released. [Source: MICHAA]



비밀번호 :
"Human Misha" Song Hye Kyo, exudes refined and sophisticated beauty in MICHAA's spring campaign photoshoot.
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