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Rothy will release her eighth single, 'Diamond,' through various music streaming platforms on the 31st. This song comes approximately 10 months after her previous single, 'Changed Number,' and is expected to further expand Rothy's musical world.

Known for her captivating voice and lyrics filled with messages of hope, Rothy has gained the title of the "trusted fairy of vocals." Let's delve into the anticipated highlights of her new song, 'Diamond.'

Just like the process of crafting a diamond, Rothy has undergone significant growth both musically and visually leading up to the release of this new song. Not only has her visual atmosphere deepened, but her voice has also become more solid and robust. In particular, Rothy has taken on the challenge of self-directing in her new song 'Diamond,' showcasing her growth as a musician who constantly evolves for her fans.

In Rothy's new song 'Diamond,' she collaborated with the renowned singer-songwriter Shin Seung-hoon, who previously worked with her on 'COLD LOVE.' Jeong Jin, the lyricist behind Park Hyo-shin's 'Wild Flower,' contributed to the co-composition. With such support from top-tier songwriters, 'Diamond' is expected to be a well-crafted track that balances musicality and popularity, just like Rothy's debut song, 'Stars.'

Through songs like 'Stars' and 'After Winter Comes Spring,' Rothy has resonated with listeners by delivering lyrics that inspire courage and hope, going beyond the typical love stories. The new song 'Diamond' continues Rothy's signature 'comfort series' and is expected to convey a message of solace to all listeners, as expressed in the lyrics: "Your heart is a Diamond, Diamond / Even if it gets hurt, it won't break because it's you" and "Your tears are Diamond, Diamond / Even when they flow, they become radiant light."



비밀번호 :
Rothy's comeback with 'Diamond': Three anticipated highlights.
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