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On the 11th, fashion magazine Elle unveiled the August issue cover featuring Blackpink's Jisoo. On this day, Jisoo was dressed in an outfit from the 2023 F/W Dior show in Paris.

In an interview conducted after the photoshoot, Jisoo shared her thoughts on the world tour "BORN PINK." She expressed, "At the beginning, I wondered if we would be able to handle all the stages. However, as we met fans from different cultural backgrounds with joy, it feels like we've come to the point where only encore concerts remain. The sense of achievement has actually energized me." She revealed her passion for performing.

Continuing on, she said, "When I see the pink cheering sticks filling the audience, I get emotional. It's a moment when I can truly feel the love from many people. It's a precious experience that brings various emotions." She expressed gratitude to the fans. In particular, Jisoo showed a professional side, saying, "Since the stage is always a space where unexpected things can happen, I feel more focused and alert than usual. If it seems like time might be delayed, I quickly find alternatives."

On the other hand, in her daily life, she mentioned, "I feel happiest when I lie on the couch after finishing my day's work, just before going to bed. That time is really enjoyable," sharing a small relatable sentiment.



비밀번호 :
Blackpink's Jisoo sent a fierce gaze.
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