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Kakao Games reorganized the balance of job skills of MMORPG "Arche Age War" developed by XL Games on the 25th and updated the job exchange system.

By reflecting the opinions of users, the diversity of combat within PvP contents has been increased. It added 'new legend skills' to each job and increased the effectiveness of some skills.

It also introduced 'new polishing technology' that increases the hunting efficiency of some occupations. In occupational groups that did not have range skills, some skills are converted to wide-area when polishing techniques are activated. Occupational groups that already have wide-area flag can be converted into single flag through polishing to increase the amount of damage. Through polishing technology, it is possible to freely replace the wide-area flag and the single flag in the game.

A "job exchange" system has also been added to help people enjoy new characters they have fostered. By consuming "job exchange rights" and jewelry, you can change one of your current jobs to another. In the case of a job exchange, weapons and technologies are also exchanged.

Job exchange can only be done once per account.

It also introduced a "Realm Exchange" that allows items to be registered and traded between eight servers in the Realm (server group). It also provides a "crescent stone system" that enhances the character's ability with a crescent stone acquired when hunting monsters in Relm Dungeon.

Kakao Games also operates a "special attendance event" to present "event-only vehicles" and limited collection items that increase the amount of experience gained.



비밀번호 :
Kakao Games [Arche Age War] Reorganizes Vocational Skills Balance
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