• 한국어 영어 중국어 일본어 인도네시아어 태국어 스페인어 프랑스어 독일어 이탈리아어 베트남어 밀레이시아어


The BBMAs officially announced through their official social media that New Jin's has been selected as a performer for the '2023 BBMAs.' This marks the first time for New Jin's to perform at the BBMAs since their debut. They are set to showcase performances of their songs 'Super Shy' and 'OMG,' both of which entered the Billboard Hot 100 main song chart this year.

The BBMAs, considered one of the three major music awards in the United States alongside the Grammy Awards and the American Music Awards, have seen performances by K-pop groups, with BTS being the only group to have performed before.

New Jin's, as the first K-pop girl group and the fastest K-pop group overall to be selected as BBMAs performers within just 1 year and 3 months since their debut, solidifies their status as a 'global trend' artist.

The group made a significant impact on the Billboard charts this year. Their second mini-album, 'Get Up,' released in July, set a new record for the fastest ascent to the top of the Billboard 200 main album chart among K-pop groups. They also achieved entries on the Hot 100 with five songs ('OMG,' 'Ditto,' 'Super Shy,' 'ETA,' 'Cool With You'). Additionally, on the 'Global 200' chart covering over 200 countries/regions worldwide, they had three songs ('OMG,' 'Ditto,' 'Super Shy') in the top 10, and on the 'Global (excluding the U.S.)' chart, they had four songs ('OMG,' 'Ditto,' 'Super Shy,' 'ETA') in the top 10.

Building on these achievements, New Jin's has become the K-pop artist with the most nominations for the '2023 BBMAs,' being nominated in a total of four categories ('Top Billboard Global (excluding U.S.) Artist,' 'Top Global K-pop Artist,' 'Top Global K-pop Song,' 'Top K-pop Album'), with a total of five nominations including multiple nominations in the 'Top Global K-pop Song' category.

The performances and winners of the '2023 BBMAs' can be watched on the official Billboard SNS channels and BBMAs.watch on the upcoming 19th.



비밀번호 :
(New Jin's), the first K-pop girl group to perform at the American 'Billboard Music Awards.'"
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