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Actress Song Hye Kyo raised expectations for 'The Glory' Part 2.

On March 8th, the Netflix 'The Glory' Part 2 GV was held, with actress Song Hye Kyo, writer Kim Eun Sook, and director Ahn Gil Ho in attendance.

Song Hye Kyo greeted the audience, saying "This is my first time having a GV for a drama since my debut. I have been staying home so much these days that I haven't been able to feel my popularity. But I think I can feel it today."

When asked about her expectations for Part 2, Song Hye Kyo said, "There were a lot of questions around Part 2. Before the release of 'The Glory' Part 1, I was worried because my shortcomings were on full display, but after it was released, there was a good response and I was really happy. This was my first genre drama, and everything was difficult and hard. I worried about whether each scene was right or not. I'm grateful for the good response, which reflects the amount of effort I put in."

Writer Kim Eun Sook said, "I'm so excited about this that it's almost scary. The response was so good that I had to reread the script for Part 2, which was even scarier. I wrote it really well."

Kim Eun Sook explained, "At the production presentation, I said that 'The Glory' started with my daughter's question: 'Is it better to be beaten to death or hit until you die?' I was trying to find an answer within myself while writing 'The Glory.' I thought that if you were beaten to death, there must be a way to solve it. 'Money' is the way to drag the perpetrators to the end of hell. So, I thought it would be better if I got beaten up. However, our lead actor Dong Yoon cannot do that. The Dong Yoon's in this world don't have parents with money or that kind of home environment. I wanted to support those people. So, I tried to make Dong Yoon's revenge successful. Please watch until the end to find out."

Regarding her impressive acting in Part 2, Song Hye Kyo said, "In the trailer, the scene where the god says 'don't laugh like that' is important. In Part 1, I had no __EXPRESSION__, but in Part 2, there are parts where all emotions explode. So, that part in the trailer was the most relatable." She added, "I started as Song Hye Kyo before becoming the character Moon Dong, and gradually became 100% Moon Dong as we progressed. When we had 120% synergy with the other actors, we could naturally act according to that god. We could give and receive good energy through acting, so the emotions came out well. There are many scenes where all the actors say 'wow' in Part 2."

Regarding her pet dog, Song Hye Kyo shared a funny story: "On days when I think my dog is a little light as a god, I brought him to the set once or twice. Once, actor Lee Do Hyun's pet dog came to the set and I introduced them to each other. But my dog didn't like Lee Do Hyun's dog. Later, Lee Do Hyun's dog didn't like my dog either. So, in the end, Lee Do Hyun put my dog far away."


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Actress Song Hye-kyo has raised expectations for Part 2 of "The Glory."

On March 8, Netflix's "The Glory" Part 2 GV (Guest Visit), which included Song Hye-kyo, writer Kim Eun-sook, and director Ahn Gil-ho, was held.

At the event, Song Hye-kyo greeted the audience by saying, "It's my first time attending a GV for a drama since my debut. I've been mostly staying at home, so I couldn't really feel my popularity. But being here today, I feel it."

When asked about her expectations for Part 2, Song Hye-kyo said, "I was worried before the release of Part 1, as I felt I showed my shortcomings. But after it was released, I received a lot of positive feedback, and I was very happy. As my first genre work, everything was difficult, and I worried about every scene. But I'm grateful for the good reactions since it was hard work."

Writer Kim Eun-sook added that she was so nervous and excited that she made a rejection text message to send to people who contacted her until Part 2 was released. She also mentioned that she watched a lot of different dramas while waiting for the release of Part 2.

Song Hye-kyo also shared that she was initially worried about being forgotten while waiting for Part 2 to be released. She revealed that she responded to friends' inquiries by simply saying, "March 10th," without giving away any details.

Regarding memorable moments on set, Song Hye-kyo mentioned the special makeup for Dong-eun's burn scars, saying that the process took four to five hours, and she had to go on a strict diet for the scene.

In conclusion, Song Hye-kyo expressed gratitude to the overseas fans and everyone who loved the drama, and she hoped that people would spread the word about Part 2 like they did for Part 1.

Part 2 of "The Glory" will be released on March 10.



비밀번호 :
Song Hye-kyo says "I became 100% Moon Dong-geun in 'The Glory' Part 2, there are many 'tearing' scenes" [Comprehensive]
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