• 한국어 영어 중국어 일본어 인도네시아어 태국어 스페인어 프랑스어 독일어 이탈리아어 베트남어 밀레이시아어



On the 8th (local time), the US media outlet Variety published an article titled "Korean dramas evolve with more writers and complex characters". The article began by stating that "whether overcoming disabilities or fighting for their rights, female-led stories in Korea are evolving, breaking away from outdated stereotypes about female characters." The article then discussed dramas such as Song Hye-kyo's "The Glory", Park Eun-bin's "Strange Lawyer", Kim Go-eun and Nam Ji-hyun's "Little Women", and Kim Tae-ri's "Twenty-Five Twenty-One". Additionally, the article mentioned the Netflix movie "Gil Boon Soon", starring Jeon Do-yeon, expressing anticipation for its release.


Variety explained that these dramas "not only delve into social issues in Korea but also highlight the strength and depth of female protagonists." They continued, "Korea's strict hierarchical society and history have traditionally placed women at the bottom of society, but this has produced strong and creative women who have overcome hardship and prejudice. Finally, these characteristics are reflected in the content."

Kang Eun-kyung, writer of the Netflix series "Kingdom," stated, "Women have lacked representation and had to be more competitive to get what they want." She added, "In the past, dramas, movies, and songs about women were created. At that time, there was a clear barrier, so there was a spirit of resistance. However, now we are focusing more on freedom and identity regardless of gender."



비밀번호 :
"'The Glory' 'Gil Boon Soon', Korean drama, evolves with women" - Foreign media attention.
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