• 한국어 영어 중국어 일본어 인도네시아어 태국어 스페인어 프랑스어 독일어 이탈리아어 베트남어 밀레이시아어

According to FlixPatrol, the revenge drama "The Glory" (written by Kim Eun-sook, directed by Ahn Gil-ho) has proven its popularity by rising to second place globally in the Netflix TV show category as of the 12th. The top spot belongs to "Everything About Her," a series with four seasons. "The Glory" has ranked first in 35 countries, including Japan and Hong Kong, second in Australia and France, and third in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Part 2, released on the 10th, is showing even faster dominance than Part 1, which took the world by storm last December 30th. Part 1 entered ninth place globally on its first day of release and climbed to fourth place by the seventh day, setting a record. However, Part 2 rose to third place immediately after release and climbed to second place within two days, proving to be a hot topic of interest.

"The Glory" is a Netflix series that tells the story of a woman whose soul was shattered by childhood violence and the revenge she meticulously prepared, as well as those who get caught up in the whirlwind. Song Hye-kyo expressed confidence before its release through a global GV, and writer Kim Eun-sook also expressed anticipation for the release, stating that "Part 2 is also frighteningly well-written, even by my standards." As a result, "The Glory" continues to meet expectations for a Korean-style revenge drama by consistently ranking in the top spots after its release.



비밀번호 :
Kim Eun-sook and Song Hye-kyo's Revenge Drama 'The Glory' Ranks 2nd Globally, Demonstrating Its Popularity
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