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Singer BoA held a concert to celebrate her 20th debut anniversary, drawing attention with her remarks amid the noise surrounding SM Entertainment in the music industry.

On the afternoon of the 12th, BoA held her 20th anniversary concert, "BoA 20th Anniversary Live - THE BoA: Musicality," at the Olympic Hall in Seoul's Songpa-gu.

The concert was a time to look back on BoA's music history since her debut in 2000. It was a solo performance, featuring hit songs and various performances, which has not been seen since her "BoA LIVE TOUR 2019 - #mood in SEOUL" in 2019.

After finishing the opening performance, BoA greeted the audience with a bright smile, showing her friendly and familiar side by talking kindly with fans despite the cheers heard from various parts of the venue.

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Singer BoA held a concert to celebrate her 20th anniversary. As there has been noise surrounding SM Entertainment, attention was drawn to BoA's remarks as an in-house director during the concert.

On the afternoon of the 12th, BoA held her 20th debut anniversary concert "BoA 20th Anniversary Live - THE BoA: Musicality" at the Olympic Hall in Seoul's Songpa-gu.

This concert was a time to look back on BoA's music history since her debut in 2000. It was a solo performance with hit songs and various performance stages prepared since her last "BoA LIVE TOUR 2019 - #mood in SEOUL" in 2019.

After finishing her opening performance, BoA greeted the audience in a bright mood, showing a friendly attitude, talking with fans and responding to their screams. BoA joked, "The stage is too hard, I will retire after the concert," and laughed. When fans screamed, she said, "Why are you all so serious?" She also complained, "I can talk well in Japan, but I can't talk well in Korea, I think it's because I'm an executive."

Although BoA had a relaxed conversation with the audience, she did not make any special remarks regarding the recent controversy surrounding her agency. Previously, there was a dispute when Lee Soo-man, the former general producer of SM Entertainment, sold his shares to HYBE. The situation, which had been prolonged, eventually found stability when SM Entertainment, HYBE, and Kakao reached a dramatic negotiation.

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In particular, on the last day of BoA's 20th anniversary concert, Hive announced through an official press release that they would halt their acquisition of SM due to the competitive market environment with Kakao and Kakao Entertainment, which was showing signs of overheating and could negatively affect Hive's shareholder value.

BoA is an artist who was discovered by former SM Entertainment's general producer, Lee Soo-man, and has been with the company for 20 years, currently serving as an internal director. However, as this was a performance meeting fans in person for the first time in three years and a stage to commemorate her 20th anniversary, she did not mention the agency issues and focused on the concert.

Photo=SM Entertainment.



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"No mention of SM-HYBE controversy" BoA celebrates 20th anniversary concert
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