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영화 '드림' 포스터
[KIKAnews] Director Lee Byung-hun's new film 'Dream', featuring a fresh subject and delightful humor that captivated audiences of all ages, marks the first meeting of actors Park Seo-joon and Lee Ji-eun. The film is set to release on April 26, with the launching poster and dream team roster announcement video revealed. [Provided/Distributed: Plus M Entertainment | Director: Lee Byung-hun]

'Dream' is a movie about former soccer player Hong Dae (Park Seo-joon) and passionless producer So-min (Lee Ji-eun), who join a team of homeless national players to pursue an impossible dream.

Following the movie 'Extreme Job,' which attracted 16.26 million viewers, and the popular drama [Melo is My Nature], Director Lee Byung-hun, known for his witty dialogues, charming characters, and relatable stories, returns to the screen with 'Dream' after four years.

Inspired by the true story of South Korea's first appearance in the Homeless World Cup in 2010, the movie 'Dream' brings together popular actors Park Seo-joon and Lee Ji-eun for the first time, raising high expectations.

The film's perfect dream team is completed by joining talented actors like Kim Jong-soo, Ko Chang-seok, Jeong Seung-gil, Lee Hyun-woo, Yang Hyun-min, Hong Wan-pyo, and Heo Jun-seok.

The launching poster, released with the confirmed release date of April 26, shows players gathered around a soccer ball on a refreshing green field, emitting a cheerful energy and raising anticipation for the movie.

The dream team roster announcement video, released alongside the poster, heightens expectations with the promise of the most delightful chemistry of characters in 2023.

The characters played by Park Seo-joon as Hong Dae and Lee Ji-eun as So-min, both without concepts, will stimulate audience empathy and heat up theaters with their fresh energy.

With a diverse lineup of actors, including Kim Jong-soo as Oldboy Hwan-dong, Ko Chang-seok as nuclear-gut Hyo-bong, Jeong Seung-gil as cheater Beom-soo, Lee Hyun-woo as Korean Tiger In-seon, Yang Hyun-min as angry goalkeeper Moon-soo, Hong Wan-pyo as jungle king Young-jin, and Heo Jun-seok as positive power office manager In-guk, the dream team will unfold unpredictable performances and emit irreplaceable synergy.

'Dream', which revealed its launching poster and dream team roster announcement video, promising the chemistry of the most charming characters this year, is expected to captivate audiences of all generations with a special story about pursuing dreams.

The movie 'Dream', featuring the combination of Director Lee Byung-hun, Park Seo-joon, and Lee Ji-eun, along with a lineup of actors perfectly synchronized with their characters, has been confirmed to release on April 26 and is attracting attention as the most anticipated film in theaters this spring.



비밀번호 :
Movie 'Dream' starring Park Seo-joon, Lee Ji-eun, and directed by Lee Byung-hun: First meeting! Release confirmed for April 26! Launching poster revealed!
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