• 한국어 영어 중국어 일본어 인도네시아어 태국어 스페인어 프랑스어 독일어 이탈리아어 베트남어 밀레이시아어
킬링 로맨스 [감독: 이원석 | 배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 | 출연 | 이하늬, 이선균, 공명 등]
[KIKAnews] The unique and tension-filled movie 'Killing Romance' is set to be released on April 14th (Friday) and has unveiled its official press stills. [Director: Lee Won-seok | Distributor: Lotte Entertainment | Cast: Lee Ha-nui, Lee Sun-kyun, Gong Myung, etc.]

'Killing Romance' tells the story of an island nation's tycoon, 'Jonathan' (Lee Sun-kyun), and top star 'Yeo-rae' (Lee Ha-nui) who suddenly retires after falling in love with him. They encounter 'Beom-woo' (Gong Myung), a former 3rd-generation fan club member, and plan an extraordinary comeback.

The movie 'Killing Romance,' set to be released on April 14th (Friday), sweeps away romance and presents a film filled with laughter and tension. In the released press stills, never-before-seen visuals of Lee Ha-nui, Lee Sun-kyun, and Gong Myung can be seen.

The character 'Yeo-rae', played by Lee Ha-nui, is a top star who decides to retire after becoming a national laughingstock due to her bad acting. 'Jonathan,' played by Lee Sun-kyun, is a tycoon who extends a helping hand to Yeo-rae as she arrives on the South Pacific island of 'Koala' to escape people's attention.

Lee Ha-nui's dazzling visuals reminiscent of a Disney princess and Lee Sun-kyun's charismatic visuals that outshine those of an Arab prince catch the eye.

Gong Myung plays the role of 'Beom-woo', a former 3rd-generation fan club member of top star Yeo-rae, who is stubbornly trying to enter S University and is engaged in a lonely entrance exam battle.

Lee Ha-nui and Gong Myung, who worked together as drug squad colleagues in 'Extreme Job,' will show a unique chemistry as an actress and a die-hard fan in 'Killing Romance.' Lee Sun-kyun also has a history of working with Lee Ha-nui in the drama [Pasta], and their chemistry after 13 years is highly anticipated.

Meanwhile, the movie 'Killing Romance' is a fresh work that has never been seen before, featuring a variety of time and space fantasies and standout script and direction. Director Lee Won-seok of 'How to Use Guys with Secret Tips' and writer Park Jung-ye of 'The Beauty Inside' have joined forces. 'Killing Romance' will be released on April 14th (Friday).



비밀번호 :
Lee Ha-nui, Lee Sun-kyun, and Gong Myung's 'Killing Romance' hints at the birth of a film with killer tension! Official press stills released!
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