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SBS's new Friday-Saturday drama 'Goblin' (written by Kim Eun-hee and directed by Lee Jung-rim) is set to air its first episode, and author Kim Eun-hee herself shared various insights ahead of the premiere.

Kim Eun-hee, known as the "genre master," has proven her artistic prowess and commercial success with works like 'Sign,' 'Ghost,' 'Signal,' and 'Kingdom.' Especially with the 'Kingdom' series, she introduced a unique Joseon-era zombie concept, creating a Korean-style zombie phenomenon worldwide. When asked about 'Goblin,' what kind of existence is it to Kim Eun-hee?

To me, 'goblin' represents the 'bad thoughts' that shake and tempt my mind. In the drama, I wanted to depict people who are even more evil than goblins as goblins themselves.

  • Can you point out some highlights that will make 'Goblin' even more enjoyable?

From the title alone, you might think it's a scary drama. While there are certainly scary elements, the focus of the drama lies in the stories of San-yeong, Hae-sang, Hong-sae, and other characters. When it gets scary, you can close your eyes for a moment. It might be more enjoyable to watch with family or friends while having a drink together.

'Goblin' is a Korean-style occult mystery drama that delves into the enigmatic deaths, featuring a woman with a grudge against goblins and a man who can see them. The first episode aired on Friday, the 23rd, at 10 PM.



비밀번호 :
'Goblin' author Kim Eun-hee: "Close your eyes if it's too scary"... 2 years dedicated to Korean-style occult.
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