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As the film 'Smuggling' unveils itself, it reveals the anticipated highlights that will captivate the audience.

The first highlight is the return of the "veteran" summer movie genre. Directed by Ryu Seung-wan, known for his ingenious storytelling and high-quality productions, 'Smuggling' takes place in the sea, where the stage shifts from a small coastal village to a smuggling city. This maritime crime drama promises to showcase Ryu Seung-wan's unique take on the crime genre, offering new themes, visuals, and a refreshing cinematic experience. With the characteristic coolness of summer films that transition between the sea and the city, 'Smuggling' has prepared to mesmerize audiences this summer.

The second highlight is the fresh combination of trusted actors. Kim Hye-soo, Yeom Jung-ah, Jo In-sung, Park Jung-min, Kim Jong-su, and Go Min-si have gathered for 'Smuggling.' With the foundation of trust in director Ryu Seung-wan, these actors of diverse talents have come together in harmony. The exciting lineup of actors, both familiar and fresh faces, has already raised expectations among prospective viewers. The casting combination is set to captivate audiences in the summer of 2023.

Lastly, an unmissable highlight is the immersive and exhilarating entertainment that can only be experienced in theaters. 'Smuggling' features unprecedented underwater scenes, with guidance from professional underwater ballet experts. The underwater action sequences, coupled with the visually stunning fictional city of "Guncheon," offer a different composition compared to previous crime films, elevating the audience's satisfaction. With relentless technical challenges and a passion for cinematic perfection, 'Smuggling' has been crafted. As audience expectations for theater experiences continue to rise, 'Smuggling' is expected to showcase a new direction for Korean cinema.

The film 'Smuggling' is set to be released on July 26th, 2023.




비밀번호 :
"Smuggling," a collaboration between director Ryu Seung-wan, actress Kim Hye-soo, actor Yeom Jung-ah, and actor Jo In-sung, reveals itself.
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