• 한국어 영어 중국어 일본어 인도네시아어 태국어 스페인어 프랑스어 독일어 이탈리아어 베트남어 밀레이시아어


The SBS new Friday-Saturday drama 'My Demon,' which will premiere on November 24th, is a fantasy romantic comedy that revolves around the contract marriage between Kim Yoo-jung, an heiress with a demon-like temperament (played by Dodohee), and Song Kang, a demon who loses his powers in an instant (played by Jeong Gu-won). The story explores a romance filled with limited happiness and the contract with a demon that leads to both heaven and hell. This sweet yet dangerous romance with an otherworldly demon promises to bring a different kind of excitement.

What stands out the most is the fantasy-like meeting of Kim Yoo-jung and Song Kang. Kim Yoo-jung plays Dodohee, a future group heiress who no one trusts and a Dodohee who loved a demon. As an outsider in the future group, Dodohee realized the essence of the world early and became pragmatic. Cynical about love, she makes a contract with the demon Jeong Gu-won, and her character experiences unimaginable changes. The appearance of the demon in front of her, whether a savior or a destroyer, raises curiosity. Kim Yoo-jung brings out Dodohee's short and sharp charm that is both prickly and tender, like a salted caramel latte. Kim Yoo-jung expressed her excitement about the role, saying, "I'm enjoying the shoot with a heart full of excitement because it's a fascinating character and story that I haven't shown before. I hope to end 2023 with 'My Demon.'"

Song Kang transforms into the perfect and lethal demon, Jeong Gu-won. An immortal demon who made a dangerous yet sweet deal using souls as collateral with humans living in hell. He has looked down upon humans, reigning as the top predator for over 200 years, but things take a strange turn when he gets entangled with a very unusual woman, Dodohee. To prevent his own extinction, he must protect Dodohee, who took his abilities. Song Kang portrays the reverse charm of Jeong Gu-won in an ever-changing manner as he returns as a fascinating demon. Song Kang shared his enthusiasm for the project, saying, "'I'm very happy to be a part of 'My Demon,' and I'm working hard to deliver a good performance as much as you're looking forward to it. Please show a lot of interest and expectations."

'My Demon' will be available to watch as the follow-up to '7 Man Prison Break.'



비밀번호 :
"Kim Yoo-jung and Song Kang's refreshing romantic comedy 'My Demon' premieres on November 24th."
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